Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Expected study programme learning outcomes

During the study, students will gain analytical and conceptual skills, as well as the following general learning outcomes (competencies):

  • They will use system concepts in understanding and identification of problems,
  • They will apply both classical and new knowledge concepts,
  • They will identify and solve problems using critical evaluation,
  • They will be aware that IS makes an organised unity consisting of people, processes, hardware and software and data and information,
  • They will demonstrate their ability to work in teams and will act according to the ethical principles of the profession through efficient mutual communication.

The University graduate study of Informatics programme trains students for creation and implementation of solutions which, using ICT, improve the work of organisations. For that reason, the Study also envisages acquisition of the following learning outcomes:

  • Understanding and modelling of organisational processes, data and information, 
  • Recognition and implementation of technical process solutions, 
  • Project management and system integration,
  • Master data and information processing,
  • Implementation of ICT in a way that will enable individuals, groups and organisations to achieve their set goals.

Following the completion of the course of Informatics, students gain the following learning outcomes and specific competencies which enable them to:

  • Upgrade and implement their knowledge from modern ICTs and their development (modern programming techniques, network technologies, mobile applications, multimedia content production, dynamic web applications, language processors, internet search engine systems, operating system virtualisation, cryptography, knowledge bases and semantic web, artificial intelligence and others), 
  • Upgrade and implement their knowledge from modern ISs and their development (theory and practice of development of business ISs and others),
  • Implement and develop theoretical knowledge from Informatics sciences and other disciplines (information theory, mathematical logics, advanced algorithms and data structures, applied statistics and others),
  • Acquire and apply knowledge in ICT work which supports the use of IS in various areas of industry, finance, public administration, education, science, research, and others. (GIS systems, electronic learning systems),
  • Understand the environment (microeconomic analysis, entrepreneurship and innovations, internet sociology, forensic accounting, business correspondence in English, economy of the European Union and others)
  • Acquire and apply information management knowledge.

Learning outcomes, i.e. competences of students who have completed the course of Informatics for Educational Purposes reflect in the following:

  • Upgrading and implementation of their knowledge from modern pedagogical disciplines and their development in the conditions of ICT application (pedagogical communication, general pedagogy, teachers’ modern competencies in knowledge society, specific groups education, psychology of learning and teaching and others),
  • Upgrading and implementation of their knowledge from ICT and their development (desk publishing, network technologies, artificial intelligence, modern programming techniques, language processors, cryptography and others),
  • Upgrading and implementation of their knowledge from modern IS and their development (distance learning systems, internet search engine systems, knowledge bases and semantic web and others),
  • Implementation and development of theoretical knowledge from Informatics sciences and other disciplines (information theory, mathematical logic, applied statistics and others),
  • Understanding of environmental requirements (ecology in education, sociology of education, pedagogy of sustainable development, profession and lifelong learning and others),
  • Acquisition and application of knowledge from management of educational institutions (educational institutions management).

A comprehensive theoretical basis which is obtained in this Study course enables students to adopt a critical attitude towards problem areas and to recognise the requirements of the environment at the present time, taking into consideration long-term impacts. Following the completion of either one or  other Study course, students dispose with knowledge and skills of use of ICT for solving very complex problems from the general business environment and all levels of education.